Bread Flour

When it comes to baking delicious, artisanal sourdough bread, the type of flour you use is crucial. For the best results, you’ll want to use bread flour because it is specifically designed for bread baking and sourdough bread baking.

The ideal flour for baking sourdough bread is one that features a higher amount of gluten. Gluten is the protein in flour that gives dough its elasticity and structure. In sourdough baking, the long fermentation process requires a flour with extra gluten to withstand the extended rise time.

A flour with a higher gluten content will allow your sourdough dough to ferment for a longer period of time without breaking down. This extended fermentation is what gives sourdough bread its signature sour flavor and chewy texture.

Look for a high-quality bread flour or even a specialty sourdough flour when baking your homemade loaves. These flours are milled to have a slightly higher protein and gluten content compared to all-purpose flours. This makes them perfect for supporting the needs of a slow-risen sourdough dough.

This is what I use as bread flour.

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