Here are all the tools I’ve researched, tested and used to bake sourdough bread…

We are going to be measuring our ingredients by weight so a food scale is going to be a staple in your kitchen. That being said, you might as well get a good one like this since you will be using it to weigh your dough, and if you are operating a cottage bakery, you’ll be making large batches of dough, weighing 10+lbs.

NOTE: You can use any bowl you want, but the most ideal are dome bottoms, not ones with cylindrical bottoms. I prefer stainless steel over glass because they are light weight. Also, you will need to cover these bowls so the dough doesn’t dry out. There are no lids for these bowls, but an unconventional lid for them that I use are Corel 10 inch plates.

For small batches of dough…

For large batches of dough…

KitchenAid 8qt Commercial Mixer (for mixing large batches of doughs –can fit 4-6 loaves at a time)

NOTE: When you are folding dough, the best surfaces to work with are glass and plastic, make sure the surface is a little damp –simply wipe the glass or plastic with your wet hand.

I really like using the Dollar Tree “bannetons” with the flour sack towels (see #4). Using these two together, I find is the most cost effective solution if you are on a tight budget.

Oval Banneton ($15 each)

Dollar Tree find ($1.25 each)

S.S. bread pans ($4.50 each)

Fruit Basket ($2.00 each)

(as liners for your “bannetons”)

My favorite lames come from Wiremonkey. They have a wide variety of lames. you can checkout their catalog,

Here are my Top 3 lames that I use:

Arc Lame (curved blade)

The Arc lame is great for getting a really nice “ear”

Gooseneck Lame

The Gooseneck lame is great because I am always burning myself

UFO Lame

The UFO lame is great because the divots make it easy to change the blades

Sourdough Dutch Oven

I have 4 of these, love them

Parchment Paper (12×16)

4 -Event Kitchen Timer

(a timer for each loaf)

Custom Cutting Boards – use code ROSELLE to get 10% OFF

(to control and manipulate starter temperature)

Dough Mat – use code ROSELLE10 for 10% OFF

If you buy through my link, I get a little commission. These are tools I use daily in my own micro-bakery, so I can personally confirm that they are the best tools for the job and helps me a great deal!

That’s it! If you have questions, please comment below…

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  1. carole sullivan says:

    what flour do you buy at costco?

    1. I don’t buy flour from Costco

  2. Thanks for sharing

  3. Paula Rocco says:

    Hi, what would be the best way to bake without the dutch oven? thank you!

  4. Thank you for being generous to share this list!

  5. Thank you for your kindness!!!

  6. Tools that I hadn’t even thought about (or, at least felt that they were luxury items!) thank you 🙏

  7. Ramona Walls says:

    Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to share your knowledge. The list of tools is most helpful. I am just getting started in making sourdough. Much appreciated!

  8. Cathi Burton says:

    What do you call those bread bags/ totes you were talking about from Amazon?

  9. Jennifer Marquardt says:

    Thank you! 💜

  10. Thank you so much for sharing all your tools 😊🙏❤️

  11. Thank you so much for sharing the list. That is so kind of you ❤️🙏🏻

  12. Thank you so much! I love your social media sites & so grateful for your generosity with sharing your knowledge,your tools & supplies you use,it’s so helpful & leaves out all the guess work for us newbies, thanks so much🙏

  13. Thank you! This is awesome, much appreciated!

    1. I’m happy this was so helpful –thank you!

  14. Thank you so much! Great list of needed items

    1. You’re most welcome! Glad I could help 🥰