The sourdough bread (pizza dough is a flat bread dough) baking process can be boiled down into 7 Steps:
- FEED STARTER – 4-8hrsÂ
- MIXING – 5-15 min
- In a bowl, mix ingredients together thoroughly until there are no dry clumpsÂ
- FOLDING – 30 min
- After mixing, fold/knead your dough twice, 15 min apart
- PRESHAPING – 5 min
- Divide the dough into 3, shape into taut balls, place into a large food container, cover.
- Option 1 – Cold Proofing Only
- After pre-shaping, put in your fridge
- Can be used anywhere between 12-36hrs
- Option 2 – Room Temp + Cold Proofing
- After pre-shaping, put leave out at room temp for 4hrs
- Then put into your fridge for max 12hrs
- Option 3 – Room Temp Proofing only
- After pre-shaping, leave out at room temp for 8-12hrs
- Then go straight to shaping
- SHAPING – 10 min
- Pat down dough into discs and then shape into a large circle, do the best you can to be even so the pizza bakes evenly
- BAKING – 5-20 min
- Preheat your oven to 500F
- You can either assemble the pizza and bake right away, or bake the pizza dough for 5 min first and then add your sauce, cheese, toppings
- Baking times depends on how big or deep your pizza is, watch the dough carefully for desired done-ness