The Ultimate Sourdough Bread Baking Tools List

If you buy through my link, I get a little commission. These are tools I use daily in my own kitchen, so I can personally confirm that they are the best tools for the job and helps me a great deal!

Sourdough Starter Kit

Here are my #1 favorite and preferred tools for Sourdough Starters. These are the winners of three years of comparison shopping, research and testing.

Kitchen Scales


Here are my Top picks for ingredients in each category. A more detailed explanation can be found here


Here are my Top picks for stand mixers. As a busy mom, with a very little kitchen, I need my mixer to be multipurpose. A more detailed explanation of the best mixer for bread dough can be found here

Proofing Boxes

Here are my Top picks for folding containers (where you will fold your dough while it proofs)

Proofing Baskets

Here are my Top picks for proofing baskets (for maintaining dough shape as it goes through its final proofing)

Scoring Tools

Here are my Top picks for proofing baskets (for maintaining dough shape as it goes through its final proofing)

Bread Art Tools

Here are my Top picks for making decorative art on my sourdough bread

Dutch Ovens

I prefer to bake sourdough bread in Dutch Ovens. Here are my top picks

Misc. Must Haves

Don’t forget these useful and helpful tools that are often overlooked

Bread Cutting Tools

Here are the best bread cutters I’ve found

Hi Quality Cutting Boards – use code ROSELLE to get 10% OFF

Cute Packaging

Here are my top picks

Flour Mill

Flour Bins

Here’s what I use to hold my flour (I buy in 50-80lb bags)

Temp Control

(to control and manipulate starter or dough temperature)

“Get Free Shipping When You Get Roselle’s Sourdough Starter”

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