Group Coaching

30 days FREE,
Only $499/mo after,
cancel anytime

What’s the difference?

Instagram Q&A – FREE

Group Coaching – $4.99/mo

Limited question box in stories

A more detailed way to send your questions –include more text and attach pictures if you need to, can get as detailed as you want

Your question gets buried under other questions in DMs

Your question is its own post where it will stand out and get answered

Q&A goes away after 24hrs

Q&As are archived in the Q&A section for you to learn from anytime you want

Limited seats —I can only get to X amount of people in the 24hrs Instagram makes the Question box available

Unlimited seats —since the Q&A section is like a forum, you can ask questions and I can answer them much more efficiently every week

Limited answering —I can really only answer in under 60 seconds

You will get much more detailed answers to your questions and I will be able to reference recommended articles and videos that will help you

No way to categorize questions

You will be able to look for questions already asked and learn from what others have gone through

No way to upvote the questions you’re also interested in knowing the answer to

You’ll be able to upvote questions and learn from those answers


You get all of the above (right) plus…

  • Your questions answered every week via Video Q&A
  • Recorded for your convenience,
  • UNLIMITED replays,
  • Access to the Q&A Library Archive,
  • 30 Day Free Trial,
  • Only 4.99/mo after that,
  • Cancel anytime